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What I learned about Kristen Stewart in British Vogue


Dear Kristen,

In this fast-paced world of Blogging (and by that I mean the 3 weeks behind we are generally here at LTT), I sometimes forget that in the “regular” world stuff is prepped MONTHS in advance.

For example: one of my friends is a designer at Anthropologie and she is currently wrapping up styles for THE FALL OF 2013.

And have you ever noticed that in magazines sometimes you’ll read “At press time Mr. Smith was working for blah blah” AT PRESS TIME. Meaning they are prepping for the chance that when the mag releases the news is old & no longer true.

Enter this month’s British Vogue with YOU on the cover with the steamy title “KRISTEN STEWART: ON LOVE AND LIVING DANGEROUSLY.” FINALLY! You’re speaking out! You’re explaining YOUR side of the story!

Orrrrrr..since this is an October issue this interview was most likely conducted last year around Christmastime when you were feeling full of love & danger as you & Rob had a contest to see who could get the bear skin love-making rug closer to the living room fire without catching your hair on fire… we actually get nothing steamy & juicy at all except a tired quote about how you don’t know how to be famous. BORRRRRRINGGG!

But I learned something from the Vogue teaser and that is… You look SO different than you did in 2008! I may have watched that hilarious Bad Lip Reading Video (<— read that) 1,000 times since Tuesday so I’m kinda an expert on Kstew circa 2008. But THIS:

and THIS

Kristen Stewart 2008

looks like Sophia Bush or Jessica from What I wore. Not THIS girl:

And THAT is all I, unfortuantely, learned from Kristen Stewart in British Vogue.


What do you think? You gonna pick up British Vogue? Can we get that in the US anyway?

GUYS– New Twilight trailer TONIGHT at the VMAs!

Check out the Vogue teaser here

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